
Why the frequency of variation of power in AC generator is twice as that of the current and voltage?

Why the frequency of variation of power in AC generator is twice as that of the current and voltage?

(b) Explain using sketch graphs, why the frequency of variation of power in an AC generator is twice as that of the current and voltage? This equation shows that power will always be positive. This means power varies sinusoidally at a frequency twice the frequency of either voltage or current.

Why is sine wave used in AC?

But in basic circuit analysis and AC signal analysis, we tend to use sine waves because they are the easiest to generate (as compared to square/ramp signals) as well as the easiest to analyze mathematically (all our calculus tools work wonderfully for curves like the sine, but tend to be more inconvenient around things …

How can the power curve for a given AC circuit be determined?

In an AC circuit there are two main equations you can use to calculate power: the top one, where you multiply the rms-voltage by the rms-current; or the bottom one, where you multiply the peak voltage by the peak current and then divide by two.

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What is sine wave in circuit?

Sine waves, ideally, should contain no harmonics at all and are often used in signal generators used to test amplifiers and filters and radio frequency (RF) circuits to provide the carrier signals for receivers and transmitters.

Why is power in an AC generator given as average power?

As in DC circuits, the instantaneous electric power in an AC circuit is given by P=VI where V and I are the instantaneous voltage and current. the power becomes: Averaging this power over a complete cycle gives the average power.

What is the power in AC circuit?

The average ac power is found by multiplying the rms values of current and voltage. Ohm’s law for the rms ac is found by dividing the rms voltage by the impedance. In an ac circuit, there is a phase angle between the source voltage and the current, which can be found by dividing the resistance by the impedance.

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Does AC power change with frequency?

The speed of an AC motor is dependent on the frequency of the AC power supply, so changing frequency allows the motor speed to be changed. Often airplanes use 400 Hz power so a 50 Hz or 60 Hz to 400 Hz frequency converter is needed for use in the ground power unit used to power the airplane while it is on the ground.