
Why use Kafka over Redis?

Why use Kafka over Redis?

Conclusion. Redis is used if you want to deliver messages instantly to the consumer and you can live up with data loss, and the amount of data to deal is less. Kafka can be used when you’re looking for reliability, high throughput, fault-tolerant, and volume of data is huge.

Can Kafka be used for pub sub?

In a very fast, reliable, persisted, fault-tolerance and zero downtime manner, Kafka offers a Pub-sub and queue-based messaging system. Moreover, producers send the message to a topic and the consumer can select any one of the message systems according to their wish.

What is difference between Redis and Kafka?

Redis supports push-based delivery of messages. This means every message pushed to Redis will be delivered automatically to all the subscribers. Kafka, however, supports pull-based delivery of messages. Redis does not store messages instead, messages are delivered at once to all the consumers and then removed.

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Is Kafka faster than Redis?

As mentioned above, Redis is an in-memory store. This means that it uses its primary memory for storage and processing which makes it much faster than the disk-based Kafka.

What is Kafka Redis?

Kafka is a distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service. It provides the functionality of a messaging system, but with a unique design; Redis: An in-memory database that persists on disk. Kafka can be classified as a tool in the “Message Queue” category, while Redis is grouped under “In-Memory Databases”.

Is Redis Pub/Sub reliable?

Pay attention to the following issues when using Redis for pub/sub: Your client must process messages in a timely manner. The Redis pub/sub is not a reliable messaging system. Messages that are not retrieved will be discarded when your client is disconnected or a master/standby switchover occurs.

What is the difference between pub/sub and Kafka?

In general, both are very solid Stream processing systems. The point which make the huge difference is that Pubsub is a cloud service attached to GCP whereas Apache Kafka can be used in both Cloud and On-prem.

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Are Pub Subs reliable?

Yes, Pub/Sub is very reliable and highly available.

What is pub/sub used for?

Pub/Sub, which stands for Publisher/Subscriber, allows services to communicate asynchronously, with latencies on the order of 100 milliseconds. Pub/Sub is used for streaming analytics and data integration pipelines to ingest and distribute data.