
Why was the enterprise not in the Dominion War?

Why was the enterprise not in the Dominion War?

tng’s enterprise was involved in the dominion war, as showed in varios brooks,comics and games. the reason that in ds9 did not mention the enterprise-e was the decision of the producers to keep the characters for the film series. even insurrecction was tied to that conflict.

Was the sovereign Class A warship?

The Sovereign-class was a battleship and explorer type starship utilised by Starfleet beginning in the 2370s. The USS Enterprise-E was a notable Sovereign-class ship.

How big is a sovereign class starship?

700 meters
As of 2373, this class of Federation starship was the most advanced type of vessel in the fleet. Sovereign-class ships are 24 decks thick and almost 700 meters in length.

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What is the crew complement of a sovereign class starship?


Universe : Prime Timeline
Commissioned : 2372 – present
Dimensions : Length : 680 m [4] Beam : 240 m [5] Height : 87 m [5] Decks : 24 [5]
Mass : 3,500,000 metric tons
Crew : 700 [5]

What was the first Constitution Class starship?

The Constitution-class was a Federation Starship-class, Class I Heavy Cruiser. They were the premier frontline Starfleet vessels in the latter half of the 23rd century2.

How many starships are there in Starfleet?

“In addition to the twelve starships, there are lesser classes of vessels, capable of operating over much more limited distances.” No other vessels were considered to be Starships during TOS, even if they were interstellar vessels.

What happened to cardassia after the Dominion war?

After the devastation of the Dominion War the Union is reverting to a more liberal and civil society. The Union is ruled by the Detapa Council. Currently Natima Lang is the head of state. The new democratic Cardassia is challenged by the militaristic True Way rebellion.

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