
Why was the hurricane better than the Spitfire?

Why was the hurricane better than the Spitfire?

The Spitfire and Bf 109E were well-matched in speed and agility, and both were somewhat faster than the Hurricane. The Hurricane had a higher seating position, which gave the pilot a better view over the nose than the Spitfire.

What was the hurricane used for in ww2?

The Hurricane proved to be a relatively simple aircraft to fly at night, and shot down several German aircraft on night raids. From early 1941 the Hurricane was also used as an “intruder” aircraft, patrolling German airfields in France at night to catch bombers taking off or landing.

What came first Spitfire or Hurricane?

Work on the Spitfire design actually began several years before the Hurricane, but because it was a more complex and innovative airplane, it took longer to develop. Eventually, 14,000 Hurricanes would be built and 22,000 Spitfires (including Royal Navy Seafires).

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What were a Hurricane and Spitfire?

For the most part, both the Hurricane and Spitfire are similarly sized aircraft. Both aircraft are the same height, with the Hurricane being only mildly longer and wider. The Spitfire is noticeably faster than the Hurricane, although, sacrifices range for speed.

What happened to the hurricane and Spitfire?

However, with the widespread introduction of jets in the 1950’s, and the onset of the Cold War, both the Hurricane and Spitfire were retired. Before we can compare both the Hurricane and the Spitfire, we must first understand the basics behind both of the aircraft.

How many marks of the Spitfire are there?

The Spitfire’s original design made it incredibly adaptable which meant there were constant alterations and changes to make it the most successful fighter in the sky. Throughout the duration of the Second World War, 24 marks of the Spitfire were produced, each of these with multiple variations.

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What made the Spitfire such a good fighter?

These wings also made the Spitfire one of the most agile fighters in the sky, giving them the advantage with one-on-one battles. As well as this, the aircraft also had a very powerful engine.

When did the Spitfire fly for the RAF?

The Spitfire would subsequently make its maiden flight on March 5 1936, before being introduced in August 1938. Both prior and during WWII, the Hurricane and Spitfire were immensely successful aircraft. Due to the changing nature of German aircraft, the RAF ordered several variants of the Hurricane and Spitfire to be built.