
Why work is considered as a path function?

Why work is considered as a path function?

Heat and work are forms of energy that are in motion. They exist only when there is a change in the state of system and surroundings. In other words, they are non-existent before and after the change of state. Therefore, the work done is a path function.

Why is work not a path function?

Work is a path function: it cannot be expressed as a difference between the value of some property of the system in two states. Why do we not define work done as the difference between two quantities that depend entirely on the initial and final states.

Is work a path or point function?

Path function: Their magnitudes depend on the path followed during a process as well as the end states. Work (W), heat (Q) are path functions. All properties are point functions.

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Why work done and heat are path functions?

Heat and work are path functions because they depend on the actual path traversed to move from initial to final state of the system.

What is meant by point and path function?

A Point function (also known as state function) is a function whose value depends on the final and initial states of the thermodynamic process, irrespective of the path followed by the process.

Does work depend on Path?

The work done by a conservative force is independent of the path; in other words, the work done by a conservative force is the same for any path connecting two points: The work done by a non-conservative force depends on the path taken.

What are path functions give two examples?

Path functions depend on the route taken between two states. Two examples of path functions are heat and work.

Which one of the following is a path function?

Complete answer: So, work is a path function as different routes give different quantities.

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Which of the following item is path function *?

Solution(By Examveda Team) Heat and work are path functions because they depend on how a sysem changes from initial to final state, hence they are state functions. Thermal conductivity is mainly a function of the motion of the free electrons therefore property of a material, not a path function.

What force depends on path?

A non-conservative force is a force for which the work done depends on the path taken. Friction is an example of a non-conservative force.

Which among the following is a path function?

e answer: U + PV PAV H-TS Entropy.