
Why you should go to Santa Clara?

Why you should go to Santa Clara?

Thousands of travelers visit Santa Clara and its many attractions every single year. With everything from fun family attractions and interactive, educational museums to historic sites, a college campus, and the world’s most high-tech stadium, Santa Clara covers all the bases.

What is Santa Clara good at?

Undergraduate focus: SCU was ranked No. Innovation: Santa Clara was ranked the No. 10 “Most Innovative School” in the western U.S., chosen by academic leaders for making the most innovative improvements in terms of curriculum, faculty, students, campus life, technology or facilities.

What do you like about SCU?

The friendly atmosphere, the interesting classes, and the nice campus. SCU has wonderful amenities, and the buildings on campus have really nice study areas. The student to professor ratio is also small so every student receives the attention needed to learn and achieve their own maximum potential.

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Who should go to Santa Clara University?

The type of person that would be most suitable for this school would be one who is accepting of other cultures and religions, maintains an open mind and is willing to try new things, has an excellent work ethic, thinks critically, knows how to balance a healthy lifestyle, and has charisma that carries throughout the …

What are students at Santa Clara like?

Students are WASPy, but friendly and inclusive. Most come from Jesuit/Catholic high schools, and the west coast. If you fit this mold, you will find people you like. The students motto is work hard, play hard.

Is Santa Clara University pretty?

Sure, Santa Clara University has a lovely campus. The survey combined scores for the attractiveness of the campus, the weather and the hunkiness/hotness of the student body. With 10 being tops, Santa Clara’s campus scored 9.3 for beauty. The attractiveness of the women walloped most of the competition with 9.0.