
Will I get a refund if I cancel my New Yorker subscription?

Will I get a refund if I cancel my New Yorker subscription?

Automatic Renewal: If you do nothing, we will charge the payment method you selected. To cancel at any time, contact customer service online or by phone as shown below to receive a full refund for all unserved issues.

Can I cancel my New Yorker subscription after 12 weeks?

You can cancel at any time to get a refund for the portion remaining on your subscription by contacting customer service or calling 1 800 825-2510. Customer Service can be reached at, 1 800 825-2510, or by e-mail.

How do I cancel New Yorker subscription on Amazon?

1 year auto-renewal You can cancel anytime with Amazon’s Magazine Subscription Manager, where you can also change your address, confirm first issue delivery estimates, and more. We will charge the payment method listed in Magazine Subscription Manager.

Is it easy to unsubscribe from the New Yorker?

To unsubscribe from a newsletter, select Unsubscribe at the bottom of the e-mail, or sign in to and navigate to My Account from the top-right corner. You can manage your newsletter subscriptions at the bottom of your profile. For all marketing e-mails, select Unsubscribe at the bottom of the e-mail.

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How much is the New Yorker after 12 weeks?

After 12 weeks, renews automatically at one year for $99.99.

How do I contact the New Yorker magazine?

Answers to many common questions can be found in our F.A.Q. Subscriptions: To subscribe to The New Yorker, click here. For customer service, visit this page, e-mail [email protected], or call 800-444-7570 (outside the United States, 515-243-3273). Tablet: For tablet edition support and feedback, please use this form.

Why did the New Yorker send me a bag?

“The tote bag is, consciously or unconsciously, a sign of cultural currency,” Currid-Halkett said. “Reading the New Yorker implies possession of rarefied knowledge, cultural awareness and refinement of taste that goes beyond simply reading about world happenings.

Can I cancel my New Yorker subscription online?

How can I cancel my print subscription and keep digital access only? Please e-mail [email protected] or call our staff at 800-444-7570 (or 515-243-3273, if outside the United States).