
Will Luffy end up dying?

Will Luffy end up dying?

Luffy will die at the end of the series. Many think that Luffy will die from the same disease that Gol D. Roger was dying from. It is almost a given at this point that Luffy will find the One Piece and become the next Pirate King.

How long will Luffy live?

Considering how many times he has used it, it’s over 40 years, give or take. One Piece characters do tend to live a long time. Dr. Kureha, for example, is 141 years old, so, may Luffy will live until he’s 60.

What is Luffy’s end goal?

Luffy’s goal is freedom, as an ordinary citizen or as a Marine he would be tied down by laws and rules, as a Pirate he can do whatever he want’s as long as he’s willing to fight for it. If he’s Pirate King then that means he’s the top of the Pirates, he’ll have the most freedom.

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Does Luffy return to life?

For now, Luffy hasn’t died in One Piece. But, according to the author, Eiichiro Oda, at the end of the anime, Luffy will die. According to the year of prophecy, the One Piece will be discovered soon (Episode 627), and the story will come to an end.

Who killed Luffy in One Piece?

When Luffy is about to be beheaded by Buggy, he claims as his last words that he will be the next pirate king and smiles while accepting his fate. This makes a big impression on Smoker who remembers Roger’s execution at the same place, 22 years ago. Zoro and Sanji fight the pirates in order to reach their captain.

Did luffy lost 10 years of his life?

Second while luffy was poisoned by the jailor at impel down and ivankov treated him, ivankov told luffy the treatment would consume 10 yrs of his lifespan. So I think short after acheiving his dream luffy will pass away and it will be the end of the show.

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Why doesn’t luffy wear his hat?

Although Luffy’s straw hat is his treasure, he is seen without it on occasion. This is usually because he does not want anything bad to happen to it, in which case he usually gives it to another member of his crew for safekeeping. It has been damaged twice in the manga canon.

Will Luffy become a pirate king?

Luffy cannot become pirate king without defeating Shanks or any other of the four Yonko, the four strongest pirates in the world. Similarly, Usopp’s father is also part of Shank’s crew and in order to become the best sharpshooter, he will have to surpass his father.

Does 2ND gear shorten Luffy’s life?

Yes gear Second does shorten Luffy’s life span. That will always be a risk associated with it. For Luffy gear second is like the same as the energy steroids for Hody Jones but the effect is not that significant. Each time Luffy uses it, he ight lose some minutes of his lifespan.

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Who saves Luffy’s life?

After Luffy’s body was severely poisoned, he was the one who took him to Ivankov. Even though Ivankov indeed saved Luffy’s life, without Mr. 2’s effort to bring him to Ivankov’s place, Luffy would die.