Which actor has more fans in Kerala Surya or Vijay? Personally i feel that Suriya is miles ahead of Vijay when it comes to acting
How do I make my Raspberry Pi discoverable on network? What can I do if Raspberry Pi is not visible on the network? Connect the
What is the purpose of a shaft? A shaft is a rotating machine element, usually circular in cross section, which is used to transmit power
What happens if you stack graphene? Graphene’s carbon atoms are arranged into hexagons, forming a honeycomb-like lattice. AB-stacking of two layers of graphene leads to
What are petrochemicals for Class 8? Those chemicals which are obtained from petroleum and natural gas are called petrochemicals. For Ex:Methyl alcohol,ethyl alcohol,formaldehyde,acetone,acetic acid,ethylene,benzene,toluene,vinyl chloride
How technology has changed our lives in a bad way? Social media and mobile devices may lead to psychological and physical issues, such as eyestrain
Why does the scoring team get the ball back in rugby? In the full version of either code, position is as important as possession, so
Can we use row and column operations simultaneously? Yes. You can find the determinant of a square matrix by using both row and column operations
Should a job title be capitalized in a sentence? Titles should be capitalized, but references to the job are not. For instance, if you are
Why are arches used today? In architecture, an arch is an opening in a structure that is curved on top and designed to distribute weight.