
Are all USB phone cables the same?

Are all USB phone cables the same?

The answer is yes. As long as they are of the same type, ie. Type-A, Micro, Mini, Type-C, etc., they will fit into the same respective USB type port. Since the cable will only connect its respective type USB port, other type USB cables will not work in its place, and so you should hold on to it.

Does it matter what USB cable you use?

Life hack note: cable size matters! It’s a pretty simple idea. Bigger cables carry more current, and so can transfer more current to your phone in the same amount of time. This means it will charge faster.

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How do I know if my USB cable is original?

USB Symbol Imprint on the Micro-USB Connector: The USB symbol imprinted on the micro-USB connector body have variation. As you can see in the picture above. The original USB cable’s connector has a light colored laser-imprinted symbol whereas the fake one has darker colored USB symbol.

Is there a difference in USB cable quality?

When it comes to charging speeds, or data transfer, the difference in USB cable quality between 3.1 and previous models is immediately obvious. But between two 3.1 cables, there’s essentially no difference in performance unless one of the two is poorly manufactured or damaged.

How do I choose a USB cable?

When you are in a store that sells cables (online or offline), make sure to choose a USB cable made by a reputable brand. Most times, it is recommended that you purchase cables produced but the same brand that made the device you want to use the cable with.

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How do I know if my cable is original?

Counterfeit Lightning to USB cable

  1. USB shell interlocks have right angles. Interlocks are inconsistently spaced.
  2. USB contacts are silver-plated.
  3. USB surface is rough or grainy. Surface of USB shell has a detent or retaining divot.
  4. Insulator for USB connection has notches or indents.

What makes a USB cable high quality?

The quality USB cable clearly has thicker wires compared to thinner, less expensive cable.