
Are cold storages profitable?

Are cold storages profitable?

Cold storage is a highly profitable business, in both developing and developed countries. There is good demand for two types of cold storage as per the storage facility. However, multi-purpose cold storage will have good returns and profitability overall.

How much does cold storage make?

Project cost : The project cost for setting up of 5000 MT Cold Storage may be in the range of Rs. 350 – 400 lakh, including the cost of the land.

How much does it cost to start a cold storage business?

The cost and investment will mainly depend on the scale of the Cold storage unit. Though, according to experts, the estimated project cost for setting up 5000 MT Cold storage may be in the range of Rs. 3 Crore – 4 Crores in Indian Rupees.

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How much investment is required for cold storage?

To set up a multi-commodity cold storage of 10,000 tonnes capacity, investment of around Rs 20 crore is needed with a payback period of 6-7 years. Undoubtedly, cold storage forms the most vital post-harvest horticultural value chain for the downstream food processing industry.

Who owns Cold Storage in India?

Overall average capacity utilization in cold storage is 75\%- showing sustainability of the cold chain business in India. 92\% of cold storages in India are owned and operated by private sector.

How much does a cold storage cost in India?

How much does it cost to build a cold storage in India? The investment will be based on the scale of the cold storage unit. According to the experts, the project of 5000 MT cold storage is estimated to be rupees 4.00 Carores to 35.00 crores in Indian rupees. The land cost is an additional value that you need to do.

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What is cold storage in agriculture?

Cold storages are key requirements in the post-harvest storage and distribution function of perishable commodities and food products. It facilitates the delivery of perishable agricultural products like fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, milk and milk-based products from production centres to consumption centres.

What is the cost of cold storage in India?

Which state has highest cold storage capacity?

Uttar Pradesh
In 2020, Uttar Pradesh had the highest capacity of cold chain storage equaling nearly 1.5 million metric tons, more than two times of the state in the second place.