
Are Guns bad for cartilage piercings?

Are Guns bad for cartilage piercings?

Most guns force blunt-ended studs through the tissue of your ears, a painful process that can cause damage. Piercing guns should never be used to pierce any area of the body except an earlobe. Do not use them on the harder cartilage of the ear. Ear cartilage can be shattered by guns.

Why you shouldn’t Pierce helix with a gun?

Piercing cartilage with a gun can create hardcore hypertrophic scarring and even blow it up. ‘People have this stigma about needles but they’re actually way less painful because they’re designed to pierce skin, whereas a gun just delivers blunt force to push an earring through.

Is it better to get ear pierced with gun or needle?

Having your piercing artist using a piercing needle is classed as safer for your skin as the piercing gun is classed as blunt force trauma. This can damage the soft tissues in your earlobes. Overall, the piercing needle is usually the better option for most people.

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Is needle or gun piercing better?

The quick answer: A piercing needle is much better than a piercing gun, for many reasons. Needles are generally cleaner, more accurate, and less painful than guns. Of course, there is a risk with any piercing, but with proper technique and aftercare, most people can heal a new piercing with minimal complications.

Is it illegal to pierce ears with a gun?

Even though many manufacturers’ instructions and local regulations prohibit it, some gun practitioners do not stop at piercing only the lobes, and may pierce ear cartilage, nostrils, navels, eyebrows, tongues and other body parts with the ear stud guns. This is absolutely inappropriate and very dangerous.

Does a helix piercing hurt?

How much does the helix piercing hurt? Cartilage piercings generally fall low on the pain scale. It will depend on the specific location of the helix piercing, however, you shouldn’t feel more than a slight pinch. For a few days after piercing, you’ll feel some throbbing and see swelling and slight bleeding.