
Are police exempt from NY SAFE Act?

Are police exempt from NY SAFE Act?

A. Police officers remain exempt from the provisions of 265.02 and may continue to possess large capacity ammunition feeding devices for as long as they are serving police officers.

Is the Sullivan Act unconstitutional?

Cacace (2012), a unanimous panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit upheld the constitutionality of the Sullivan Act, and rejected challengers’ positions that New York state handgun law violates the Second and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution.

Are 30 round magazines legal in NY?

New York prohibits the manufacture, transportation, disposal and possession of any large capacity ammunition feeding device, which New York law defines as “a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device that: 1) has a capacity of, or that can be readily restored or converted to accept, more than ten rounds of …

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Is it legal to own an ar15 in NY?

New York City “Assault weapons,” including the AR-15, are banned in the city. Only law enforcement officers, current or retired, are exempt. Gun owners must have a permit for and register all other weapons — handguns, rifles and shotguns. Gun owners also need a license and permit to carry.

What is the New York gun law?

It is illegal to possess an unregistered handgun. Open carry is not addressed in New York state law, although a New York Pistol License (NYPL) is required to possess a loaded handgun outside of the home or place of business. Concealed carry is only legal with a NYPL.

When did New York become anti gun?

Full name New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act
Signed into law January 15, 2013
Governor Andrew Cuomo
Associated bills Gun Legislation Bill

What makes an AR 15 illegal in NY?

Owners of AR-15’s and other semi-automatic rifles must be in compliance or risk a criminal record. Any AR not registered or made to be compliant will be a Class misdemeanor. The state considers any semi-automatic, centerfire rifle to be an “assault” weapon if it has any of the following: No fixed magazine.

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Can I drive through NY with a gun?

From the NRA/ILA on Transporting Firearms through NY. It is unlawful for any person to carry, possess or transport a handgun in or through the state unless he has a valid New York license.