
Can a business have multiple Facebook pages?

Can a business have multiple Facebook pages?

Businesses can create two accounts by using business Pages instead. Use a single Facebook account to manage multiple Pages. Sometimes businesses create different Pages for different areas or products.

How many Facebook business pages can I have?

Note: You can create only 2 Business Manager accounts. If you need more, please work with someone else in your organization to create additional Business Manager accounts.

Should you have a separate Facebook account for my business?

Marketing a business on Facebook requires a “Business Page.” It’s actually against Facebook’s Term of Service to have a personal profile for a business, so don’t make the mistake of using a Personal Profile for a business. You will however, need a Personal Profile in order to act as Admin on your Business Page.

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Should I have a Facebook page for each business location?

Who Should Use Facebook Locations? While Facebook Locations is a great tool, it is not appropriate for every business to use. Multi-location businesses with a generally centralized brand identity are the best candidates for Facebook Locations.

Why do I have 2 Facebook business pages?

There are two main reasons for having duplicate pages: 1) The company owner or an employee initially set up their Facebook account as a personal profile but was using it for business. This is forbidden by Facebook.

How do I set up a second Facebook business page?

Add a Page to Business Manager

  1. Go to Business Settings. It looks like a gear icon in your sidebar.
  2. In the Business Assets section, click Accounts. Then, click Pages.
  3. Click Add in the dropdown menu.
  4. Select Add a Page.
  5. Enter the Facebook Page name or URL.
  6. Click Add Page. You should see your Page on the next screen.

How do I manage multiple business pages on Facebook?

How to manage multiple Facebook posts from Facebook Business Manager

  1. Step 1: Create a Facebook Business Manager account. Go to and click on Create Account.
  2. Step 2: Add your Facebook Business pages.
  3. Step 3: Add store locations.
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How do I set up multiple business managers on Facebook?

Manage Multiple Accounts inside Shift

  1. From your Shift Advanced dashboard, click on the +” icon in the bottom-left corner.
  2. Under the Browse Apps tab, click on the Facebook Business icon.
  3. When prompted, enter your login credentials for your Facebook Business account.
  4. To add another account, simply repeat steps 1-3.

How do I separate my Facebook business page from personal page?

How To Keep Your Business Page Separate from Your Personal Facebook Account

  1. Step 1: Create A New Account. First, log out of your old account.
  2. Step 2: Make the New Personal Account an Admin of the Business Page.
  3. Step 3: Content Curation For Your Business Account Newsfeed.

Can my Facebook friends see my business page?

Business pages don’t require your permission for people to view them: anyone can see your page. People who Like your page are called Fans, and they will see your business posts in their NewsFeed.

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How do I promote multiple businesses on Facebook?

How to manage multiple Facebook pages with Hootsuite

  1. Step 1: Add social networks.
  2. Step 2: Connect a Facebook page.
  3. Step 3: Add a stream.
  4. Step 1: Create a Facebook Business Manager account.
  5. Step 2: Add your Facebook Business pages.
  6. Step 3: Add store locations.

What will happen if I merge two FB pages?

If your Pages can be merged, your Page followers and check-ins from profiles will be combined. Groups linked to the Page you merge will be migrated to the Page you want to keep. The Page you want to keep will remain unchanged, except for the addition of people who follow the other Page.