
Can a flashlight reach the moon?

Can a flashlight reach the moon?

Yes. If there is nothing opaque in the way to obstruct it, it will reach the moon. However, the intensity of light (from a point source like a torch) diminishes with the square of distance. So, by the time it reaches the moon, it will be extremely faint.

What makes the flashlight give out light what form of energy is present in the flashlight?

electrical energy
In a flashlight, the electrical energy becomes light energy and thermal energy in the bulb. 6 Light energy is transported by wave motion. In other words, light is a form of energy caused by electromagnetic waves.

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How does fire give off photons?

When the electrons in the atom are excited, for example by being heated, the additional energy pushes the electrons to higher energy orbitals. When the electrons fall back down and leave the excited state, energy is re-emitted in the form of a photon.

Can photons be used for propulsion?

A photon rocket is a rocket that uses thrust from the momentum of emitted photons (radiation pressure by emission) for its propulsion. Photon propulsion has been considered to be one of the best available interstellar propulsion concepts, because it is founded on established physics and technologies.

Can light be seen in space?

In space or on the Moon there is no atmosphere to scatter light. The light from the sun travels a straight line without scattering and all the colors stay together. Looking toward the sun we thus see a brilliant white light while looking away we would see only the darkness of empty space.

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What would happen if everyone pointed a laser at the Moon?

Let’s imagine we somehow found a way to power and fire it continuously, gave one to everyone, and pointed them all at the Moon. Unfortunately, the laser energy flow would turn the atmosphere to plasma, instantly igniting the Earth’s surface and killing us all.

How does a flashlight work?

When you turn on a flashlight, you are creating a source of photons (see How Light Works for details on photons). The photons leave the flashlight and they immediately start to spread out in a cone-shaped beam.

What happens to photons when they hit you in space?

If you are floating in space the photons that hit you are also exerting a force. When you float in space a large number of photons emitted by the sun will hit you. These photons exert a force, this mechanism is referred to as radiation pressure. This force is significant enough that you can actually control a spacecraft with it.

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Why does a flashlight have a cone shape?

This is a good thought question because it makes you think about how light works. When you turn on a flashlight, you are creating a source of photons (see How Light Works for details on photons). The photons leave the flashlight and they immediately start to spread out in a cone-shaped beam.

Why is the force of light conserved in a flashlight?

The force is proportional to the flashlight power, but the frequency $\ u$ cancels out so the frequency of the light doesn’t matter. Momentum is conserved because it’s the momentum carried by the photons that creates the force.