
Can a radioactive spider give you powers?

Can a radioactive spider give you powers?

The spider’s bite won’t give anyone superpowers, but it can make them very sick within hours of being bitten. Health experts said the story of the three boys getting bitten was a lesson for parents that what kids see in movies can seem real to them.

What powers did the radioactive spider give Spiderman?

The Amazing Spider-Man, which retells the origins of Marvel’s wall-crawling superhero, hit cinemas this week. In the comic, a bite from a radioactive spider gives Peter Parker strength, agility and – in some versions of the story – the ability to shoot webbing out of his wrist.

What other student did the radioactive spider bite besides Peter?

41) What other student did the radioactive spider bite besides Peter? Before it died, the radioactive spider that bit Peter also bit Cindy Moon (a.k.a. Silk) who would later exhibit abilities even more pronounced than Peter’s.

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What happened to the other radioactive spiders?

The spider’s venom was now radioactive so instead of killing Peter the radioactive venom gave Peter spider like powers. The spider also passed on it’s knowledge of how to make spider webbing which Peter would use in his Web-Shooters. The spider then died after it bit Peter.

Can I get spider powers?

There are many ways to get Spider Powers in the Marvel universe: Radioactive Spider Bite: This seems to be the most common way. Most versions of Peter Parker that are based on the mainstream version have been bitten by a Radioactive Spider to gain their Spider Powers.

What bit Peter Parker?

radioactive spider
In Earth-71928, the radioactive spider that bit Peter Parker was a Steatoda nobilis, more commonly known as the Noble false widow. On Earth-92131, while attending a public exhibition demonstrating Dr. Farley Stillwell new invention the Neogenic Recombinator. A device that can enhance and heal an living DNA.

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How did Tom Hollands Spiderman get bit?

Tom Holland as Peter Parker / Spider-Man: A 15-year-old who gained spider-like abilities after being bitten by a radioactive spider.

How do you get real Spider-Man powers?

Radioactive Spider Bite: This seems to be the most common way. Most versions of Peter Parker that are based on the mainstream version have been bitten by a Radioactive Spider to gain their Spider Powers.

How Spider-Man got his powers?

In Spider-Man’s first story, in Marvel Comics’ Amazing Fantasy, no. 15 (1962), American teenager Peter Parker, a poor sickly orphan, is bitten by a radioactive spider. As a result of the bite, he gains superhuman strength, speed, and agility along with the ability to cling to walls.