
Can a variable be both const and volatile with example?

Can a variable be both const and volatile with example?

Yes. The const modifier means that this code cannot change the value of the variable, but that does not mean that the value cannot be changed by means outside this code. For instance, in the example in FAQ 8, the timer structure was accessed through a volatile const pointer.

What is the effect of the variable declaring as both const and volatile?

volatile will tell the compiler not to optimise code related the variable, usually when we know it can be changed from “outside”, e.g. by another thread. const will tell the compiler that it is forbidden for the program to modify the variable’s value.

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Can static be volatile?

Yes, you can. A static variable in Java is stored once per class (not once per object, such as non-static variables are). This means all your objects (and static methods) share the same variable.

Can a local variable be volatile in C?

The C/C++ compiler supports the volatile keyword in all modes. This tells the compiler that an interrupt function might modify the value at any time, so the compiler should not perform optimizations which will change the number or order of accesses of that variable. …

Can we use static and volatile together in C?

Even if the static variables are shared variables, but in different thread there can be different values for a static variable in the local cache of a thread. To make it consistent for all threads, just declare it as static volatile . So each time it will fetch from main memory.

How does the keyword volatile affect how a variable is handled?

Volatile keyword is used to modify the value of a variable by different threads. The volatile keyword does not cache the value of the variable and always read the variable from the main memory. The volatile keyword cannot be used with classes or methods.

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Can a variable be both static and volatile in C?

Yes. A variable can be declared as both volatile and constant in C. Const modifier does not allow changing the value of the variable by internal program. But, it does not mean that value of const variable should not be changed by external code.

Where are volatile variables stored in C?

There’s no reason for a volatile variable to be stored in any “special” section of memory. It is normally stored together with any other variables, including non-volatile ones. If some compiler decides to store volatile variables in some special section of memory – there’s nothing to prevent it from doing so.