
Can batteries of different sizes have the same voltage?

Can batteries of different sizes have the same voltage?

THe voltage is determined by the type of material, not the size or quantity. A battery is made up of series connected cells and will have a voltage that is an integral multiple of the cell voltage. Thus single cell batteries such as AA, AAA, C, and D all have the same voltage.

How can the same voltage have different current?

Currents are the same through all components connected in series. For example if a 2V battery and a 6V battery are connected to a resistor and LED in series, the current through all the components would be same (say, 15mA) but the voltages will be different (5V across the resistor and the 3V across the LED).

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Do bigger batteries have more voltage?

The size of the battery has no impact on the voltage output. For every chemical system, a battery puts out a specific voltage. So for higher voltage, a number of cells are put together in series.

Do batteries have the same voltage?

AAA, AA, C, D batteries all are rated at 1.5 volts but besides the difference in physical size the amount of electric current they produce is also different.

What determines a batteries voltage?

The voltage of a battery is a fundamental characteristic of a battery, which is determined by the chemical reactions in the battery, the concentrations of the battery components, and the polarization of the battery. For example, in lead acid batteries, each cell has a voltage of about 2V.

How does the voltage from a tiny AAA alkaline cell compare with that from a large D alkaline cell?

How does the voltage from a tiny AAA alkaline cell compare with that from a large D alkaline cell? The voltage from both kinds of cells is the same (1.5 V) because voltage depends on the chemical reaction that is producing the electrical energy and not on the size of the electrodes.

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Can you get different size AA batteries?

Each AA battery is 51mm long and 14mm in diameter and available in a variety of different types including popular alkaline batteries, long life lithium and rechargeable batteries of varying capacity.