
Can dental hygienists identify cavities?

Can dental hygienists identify cavities?

Another thing your hygienist looks for during your dental cleaning is signs of tooth decay or cavities. It’s always best for your oral health to address cavities as soon as possible.

How do dentists tell if you have cavities?

Dental examination Sometimes your dentist is able to tell that you have a cavity just by looking at your mouth through an oral exam. They will look for things like discoloration, enamel destruction, or holes in the teeth.

Can teeth cleaning crack teeth?

If it’s been a long time since the last cleaning, it is true that it can cause some discomfort. But it is a myth that dental cleaning will damage teeth. In fact, the harm caused by not going to the dentist for regular cleanings far outweighs the dangers of the procedure itself.

What do cavities look like when they first start?

What Does a Cavity Look Like? While it is usually difficult to see a cavity in its beginning stages, some cavities start with a whitish or chalky appearance on the enamel of your tooth. More serious cases can have a discolored brown or black color. However, most often there are no distinguishable red alerts.

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Do cavities show up on xrays?

In an X-ray, cavities are seen as dark areas in a tooth. Cavities start at the outside layer covering the tooth, called the Enamel, which has the lightest color in an X-ray. Cavities will then advance to the layer under enamel, called the Dentin, which is softer and has a darker color than enamel in an X-ray.

How long does it take for a cavity to ruin a tooth?

Like most ailments, the longer you leave a cavity without treatment, the worse it’s going to get. In a span of 3-6 months cavities can reach the nerve of your tooth.

Do cavities grow?

Cavities slowly expand to the point where they can move into the pulp and pulp chamber of your tooth, causing you pain – which could eventually lead to needing a root canal. Therefore, try to get to the dentist as soon as you notice a cavity. Don’t wait to feel the pain.