
Can double stranded RNA be translated?

Can double stranded RNA be translated?

The double-stranded genome is used to transcribe a positive-strand RNA by the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). The positive-strand RNA may be used as messenger RNA (mRNA) which can be translated into viral proteins by the host cell’s ribosomes.

Why can’t RNA form a double helix?

The mRNAs carry codons that bind to anti-codons on tRNAs and result in the synthesis of proteins, so there is no need to form double-strand (DS) RNAs, because that will consume more energy and delay the synthesis of proteins.

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Where does double-stranded RNA come from?

Double-stranded RNA is generated in the cytoplasm during replication of positive-strand RNA and DNA viruses.

Which RNA are involved in translation?

Transfer RNA (tRNA)
Transfer RNA (tRNA) tRNAs are an essential component of translation, where their main function is the transfer of amino acids during protein synthesis. Therefore, they are called transfer RNAs. Each of the 20 amino acids has a specific tRNA that binds with it and transfers it to the growing polypeptide chain.

Why is double stranded RNA is more stable than double stranded DNA?

Double-stranded RNA is more stable than DNA because DNA contains one less hydroxyl group than RNA’s ribose.

How are double stranded RNA formed?

Double-stranded RNA is generated in the cytoplasm during replication of positive-strand RNA and DNA viruses. There is accumulating evidence that the TLR3–TICAM-1 signaling is involved in protection against virus infection.

Why is DNA double stranded while RNA is single stranded?

DNA is double-stranded to help enhance stability. In contrast, RNA can afford to be less stable and is easily degraded, partially due to its single-stranded structure. Another key difference between DNA and RNA is the sugar component of the nucleic acid backbone.

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What are some reasons that DNA is double stranded and RNA is single stranded in plants and animals?

DNA was chemically more stable than RNA so it was possible to maintain greater length of DNA in comparison to RNA. RNA has hydroxyl group (OH) present on the 2′ carbon. This hydroxyl group invites hydrolysis reaction and so it was not possible to maintain long length RNA molecule.