
Can Draco beat Ron?

Can Draco beat Ron?

Ron and Draco are probably fairly equally matched. Ron has quite a few good dueling feats. Especially in the later books.

Who is stronger Harry or Draco?

When it comes to actual ability as a wizard, a case can certainly be made that Draco Malfoy is more talented than Harry. The only thing that Potter beats Draco at is his flying ability on a broomstick, but even then Draco pushes him all the way.

Are dracos powerful?

Often overlooked, Draco is actually an incredibly powerful wizard who shows great power both during and after his time at Hogwarts. Although he is often tarred with the same brush as his less than stellar sidekicks, Crabbe and Goyle, Draco is in fact far more powerful than both of them put together.

Who is a better learner Ron or Draco?

Ron is a good learner (Wingardium leviosa) but Draco is cunning. It would probably end in a draw. Ron learnt a lot this year due to him and Hermione helping Harry for the third task. He mastered many hexes and jinxes, while Malfoy was busy with his potter stink badges. Point to Ron.

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Who would win in a fight between Draco and Ron?

Draco would win solely because of Ron’s broken wand. No matter how good a spell, it would get backfired and Draco would always have the upper hand. Both Ron and Draco haven’t been in any real life combats. Ron is a good learner (Wingardium leviosa) but Draco is cunning. It would probably end in a draw.

Is Draco Malfoy good or bad in Harry Potter?

Because Draco Malfoy is a rather nuanced character in Harry Potter, he has many positive and also negative traits. Here are his best and his worst. Of all the somewhat villainous characters in Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy is one of the most interesting and complex because he’s not just a villain.

Is Draco smart or lazy?

Draco might be lazy at times, but he’s definitely a smart character. He doesn’t have a hard time learning material when he tries, and he can be quite sneaky and aware of what is going on. Of course, he doesn’t always use his intellect to good ends, so it’s not always a positive thing.