
Can I do B Com Hons from SOL?

Can I do B Com Hons from SOL?

A student can pursue a BCom (Hons) at SOL as long as he or she has secured 60\% or more in the 12th grade exams.

What is the passing marks in Du Sol?

(a) The minimum marks required to pass any Course in a semester shall be 40\% in theory and 40\% in Practical, wherever applicable. The student must secure 40\% in the End Semester Examination and 40\% in the total of End Semester Examination & Internal Assessment of the Course for both theory & practical separately.

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Which is better SOL or IGNOU?

DU SOL is a more commonly known place for students and has an easier education structure but IGNOU is a more student friendly place as it systematically carries out the checking of exam papers and provides the students with better results than DU SOL. IGNOU also gives additional internal marks for assignments.

Is DU SOL degree valid?

It has equal importance as regular college degree have. So no need to worry.

What is the passing marks for BCom?

You must score at least 40\% in each subject and overall to clear bcom exams. Also I’ll recommend you to score at least 60\% in your graduation, which will benefit you in the long run. Many entrance exams has 60\% minimum percent requirement in graduation.

Is SOL a part of DU?

The School of Open Learning (SOL) is a constituent college of the University of Delhi. It was established in 1962,and offers programmes in humanities, social sciences and commerce.

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How can I get good marks in the Sol exam?

As long as you write your answer in a paragraph and then summarize in points and then elaborate through a flowchart, you are good to go. Simply by study you will score better. May be your question is wrong you have to ask how to study. I am distinction holder from sol so this are following tips which help you to get good marks in any exam.

Is it difficult to pass BCom(Hons) by First Division through Sol?

Some people says it depends on the course you are doing through SOL as in my graduation days I was told that it is very difficult to pass (hons) by first division, even some senior told me you won’t be able to clear your back paper if you get but to be genuine every stream is same.

Is Du Sol study material available in soft copy?

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DU Sol Study Material B.Com Hons. (School of Open Learning , Delhi University) Now Books in DU Sol Study Material-Books B.Com Hons. are available in both hard and soft copies. School of Open Learning provides a soft copy in PDF on our website, so that we do not have any trouble.

Is it possible to score more than 60\% in Du Sol exams?

So yeah there are some kind of discrimination going on in the university between the regular students and SOL students. SO yeah, it is quite tough to score more than 60–62\% in SOL exams. Yes, of course it is possible . you can also get more that 75\% in DU SOL but that depends on your hard work and practicing about your topic .


Can I do B Com Hons from Sol?

Can I do B Com Hons from Sol?

A student can pursue a BCom (Hons) at SOL as long as he or she has secured 60\% or more in the 12th grade exams.

Which University is better DU SOL or IGNOU?

DU SOL is a more commonly known place for students and has an easier education structure but IGNOU is a more student friendly place as it systematically carries out the checking of exam papers and provides the students with better results than DU SOL. IGNOU also gives additional internal marks for assignments.

Can I do b com Hons after 12th?

The basic eligibility criteria for BCom Honours admission are as follows: A minimum of 45\% or equivalent in High School (Class 12) with Commerce subjects such as Maths, Accountancy, Business Studies, and other subjects offered.

How to download Du Sol BCom 3rd year exam question papers?

The question papers for all the subjects of DU SOL B.Com 3rd year course are published on the official website of DU SOL, i.e, and are available on this page. The candidates must download the question papers from this page before taking the exam and solve them for exam preparation.

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Why should you refer the du previous year papers?

By referring the DU previous year papers you will get to know about the type of questions asked, the difficulty level and nature of the exam. Thus we bring you DU previous year papers which will help you to prepare for your upcoming semester exams.

How to have a study plan for the du entrance exam?

Thus, in order to have a study plan the first step is to refer the previous year question paper and understand the exam trend. By referring the DU previous year papers you will get to know about the type of questions asked, the difficulty level and nature of the exam.

Is Du Sol a good school?

Formerly known as The School of Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education, DU SOL came into existence in 1962. The School of Open Learning is a constituent college of the University of Delhi. The school holds the reputation of a premium institute that offers open and distance education courses.