
Can I fly paramotor without training?

Can I fly paramotor without training?

Our sport is basically self-regulated so you are not required by law to be a certified pilot. However, proper training is required to safely fly and navigate ever more crowded and sensitive airspace.

Is it hard to fly a paraglider?

How hard is it to learn paragliding? Paragliding is almost certainly the easiest form of flying to get started in. There are advanced skills required to fly safely at anything beyond the basic beginner level, and these skills are somewhat more challenging to learn.

Can you learn to paramotor by yourself?

It is legal to teach yourself how to fly a paramotor, and some people actually do succeed, but learning to fly on your own is a truly horrible idea. Learning to just launch a paramotor typically requires at least a week of dedicated practice, in carefully presented stages, even for experienced GA pilots.

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Can anyone fly a paraglider?

You can fly a paramotor almost anywhere! In the UK and US we have a massive amount of freedom, and we can fly in most places without the need for ATC clearance. This applies for most countries, but you will need to check the airspace rules for your specific country.

Do you need a Licence to fly a paraglider UK?

In the UK, we use some very low hills that allows students to take off, fly up 2m above the ground and land with just the Paraglider. In the UK, you do not require a license to fly a Paramotor as they are deregulated under the Air Navigation Order.

How long can you stay in the air with a paramotor?

Most foot launch paramotor configurations have the capacity to fly 3 or more hours when fully fueled and at moderate throttle. Typical paramotor flights last between 20 minutes and one hour but with full fuel and the right thermal and lift conditions, flight could be extended by several hours.

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Can you fly a paramotor anywhere UK?