
Can I get AdSense approval with BlogSpot?

Can I get AdSense approval with BlogSpot?

If your BlogSpot account have a sufficient number of post (minimum 20+) then it’s easy to get your AdSense account approved. If you have personal domain and host chances of AdSense approval are very high.

Does AdSense approve free domain?

would google adsense approve a free domain website? If the content is original and worthy of advertising then yes, the domain is irrelevant. Blogger is free and accepted, there are others.

How to sign up for Google AdSense on Blogger?

Open your Blogger account. Go to Earnings tab, it is under Comments and above Pages tabs. If your website is eligible, you will be able to find a button which says ” Sign Up for AdSense “. Click the sign up button. Click the Association button. If you haven’t had an AdSense account, you’ll be required to create one.

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How to get AdSense approval for your website?

For AdSense approval, you’ll need a platform based upon websites and videos, where you can create your own content of high quality. Writing high-quality content is a kind of useful task which you need to do, and also don’t copy from others which means plagiarized content. For AdSense approval, you need to be 18+ which is essential.

What is a Hosted AdSense account?

If their AdSense account is approved, all payments will be made to the adult responsible for the site. If you use a product like Blogger or YouTube (or another AdSense host partner ), you can sign up for a hosted AdSense account. Note that to be eligible, you must meet certain eligibility requirements.

How to make money from Google AdSense?

You can’t make money from Adsense without proper traffic on your site. So, before applying for Adsense try to attract some traffic on your website. Here are some of the things you can do to attract traffic on your website: Share on social media like Facebook, Tweeter, Pinterest, etc. Improve the SEO on your site and get traffic from search engine.