
Can I remake a game?

Can I remake a game?

Yes, you can. Because people cannot copyright gameplay and from what you explained, sounds like you’re referring to the gameplay. That’s why you see many similar gameplays out there. Graphical work is copyrightable, so it’s good that you’re doing your own graphics.

What other games are getting remastered?

Best Upcoming Game Remakes 2021 (And Beyond)

  • Life is Strange Remastered Collection.
  • Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp.
  • Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake.
  • Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition.
  • Rise of the Triad Remastered.
  • Prince Of Persia: Sands of Time.
  • Fear Effect Reinvented.
  • Gothic.

Can I remake Tetris?

You can freely copy the mechanics of any game you want, as the basis of a new game. (This is why there are so many clones of things like Scrabble and Tetris out there, Snake clones are a common programming exercise, and many computer RPGs have mechanics that are strongly reminiscent of those from Dungeons & Dragons.)

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Can I copyright a game?

The Copyright Office factsheet on games explains exactly this: Copyright does not protect the idea for game, its name or title, or the method or methods for playing it. Nor does copyright protect any idea, system, method, device, or trademark material involved in developing, merchandising, or playing a game.

Why are old games getting remastered?

The intent of a remake is usually to take an older game that has become outdated and update it for a new platform and audience. These games were all made when developers were still learning the basics of 3D gaming, so remakes allow developers to revisit classics with vastly modernized gameplay mechanics and features.

What game has been re released the most?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has been released and re-released 14 times now with the reveal of the upcoming Anniversary Edition, pinching the crown from the equally enduring Resident Evil 4.