
Can I trim neighbors bushes on my property?

Can I trim neighbors bushes on my property?

If limbs or branches from your neighbor’s trees extend into your property line, you are legally allowed to trim the areas hanging over your property. When trimming them, however, you must stay on your own property. This means you may not go into your neighbor’s yard for a better angle when cutting or destroy the tree.

Can I cut Neighbours overhanging plants?

Under common law, a person may cut back any branch (or root) from a neighbour’s tree that overhangs or encroaches onto their property. In cutting back any overhanging branches (or encroaching roots) the following must be observed: you cannot alter the height of trees or hedges on neighbouring land.

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Can my neighbor make me trim my tree?

If a tree’s trunk is located fully on your property, it’s yours. If a tree’s trunk is located fully on your neighbor’s property, it’s theirs. And while California’s code of civil procedure prohibits cutting down trees owned by your neighbor, you are allowed to cut tree limbs or roots that encroach on your property.

What is the legal height of a hedge between Neighbours?

hedges are not required to be limited to a height of two metres. permission is not required to grow a hedge over two metres high. action may not be taken when a hedge grows over two metres high. your neighbour may not be ordered to reduce the height of their hedge.

How long before you can claim a piece of land?

Adverse possession checklist Minimum time requirements – Before any adverse possession application can be considered you must have been using (or in possession of the land) for at least ten years.

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Do I have to cut my hedge on my neighbor’s side?

The ownership of the boundary hedge itself is defined by where the main trunk is growing at. An owner of a hedge is responsible for it not damaging their neighbour’s property. You do NOT have to cut your hedge on your neighbour’s side unless the growth is threatening to damage their property.

What is the law on cutting hedges?

Both must agree on major work, including removal, coppicing or laying. In theory, you need your neighbours’ agreement even before trimming the hedge. If the hedge is just inside your neighbours’ garden, they own it. You only have the right to trim any part which encroaches over your boundary line.