
Can I use different size RAM together iMac?

Can I use different size RAM together iMac?

Adding a pair of RAM sticks to your iMac? As long as the specs are correct, should be no problem. No, RAM capacity does not have to match the existing pair.

Can I mix memory sizes on my iMac 2020?

If you purchased just two memory modules, you can keep the existing pair installed if you’d like, but take note of the order that you should install mixed sized memory in the video walkthrough above. If you’re using four memory modules that are all the same, just install all four in the available SO-DIMM slots.

Can you mix 2gb and 4gb RAM on iMac?

YES! you can install a 2gb and 4gb RAM chip together. As long as the frequency is the same there isn’t going to be any issues.

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Can I mix memory sizes on my iMac 2019?

As initially discovered by OWC, the 2019 27-inch 5K iMac can support up to 128GB of RAM via a 4 x 32GB SO-DIMM module configuration. Hence, if you wish to upgrade your RAM, you’ll want to configure your iMac with the base 8GB amount, and buy compatible aftermarket RAM modules.

Is it OK to mix RAM sizes?

There’s a prevailing misconception you cannot use different RAM sizes together or that you cannot mix RAM brands. The answer is Yes, you can mix RAM sticks and RAM sizes and even different RAM speeds—but mixing and matching RAM modules isn’t the best for system performance.

Can you mix OWC RAM with Apple RAM?

Install the RAM in alternating pairs (so Apple RAM in slots 1 and 2, OWC slots 3 and 4. The RAM will run at full speed but only in single channel, which will have a negative performance impact. This is not recommended.

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Can I put 2 different size RAM in my computer?

There’s a prevailing misconception you cannot use different RAM sizes together or that you cannot mix RAM brands. Simply put, that’s not true. The answer is Yes, you can mix RAM sticks and RAM sizes and even different RAM speeds—but mixing and matching RAM modules isn’t the best for system performance.

Can I add 16GB RAM to 8GB iMac?

1 Answer. You really need to stick with two 8GB SO-DIMM’s (total of 16 GB) with your current 8 GB that will get you 24GB of total RAM! Your system has four RAM slots so you’ll not have any issues fitting them. Just make sure you get the correct spec’ed RAM.