
Can I use minoxidil if I have seborrheic dermatitis?

Can I use minoxidil if I have seborrheic dermatitis?

Research has shown that some men who use minoxidil may experience irritation and worsening of seborrheic dermatitis symptoms. Because of this, it’s important to make sure you’ve completely treated your seborrheic dermatitis before using minoxidil or any other topical products to stimulate hair growth.

Does minoxidil cause seborrheic dermatitis?

The most common side effects of topical minoxidil include exacerbation of seborrheic dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis, or allergic contact dermatitis [8].

How can I permanently treat seborrheic dermatitis on my scalp?

Topical treatments are the most commonly recommended solution for seborrheic dermatitis outbreaks.

  1. Corticosteroids. Creams and shampoos containing corticosteroids or hydrocortisone can help reduce severe inflammation.
  2. Keratolytics.
  3. Antibacterial gels or antifungal creams.
  4. Light therapy.
  5. Coal tar.
  6. Medicated shampoos.
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Is there an oral medication for seborrheic dermatitis?

Is there an oral medication for seborrheic dermatitis? Most medications for seborrheic dermatitis are creams or ointments, but oral Sporanox (itraconazole) has been used to treat severe seborrhoeic dermatitis cases.

Can you regrow hair loss from seborrheic dermatitis?

Will my hair grow back? Hair loss from seborrheic dermatitis, whether from excessive scratching or an overgrowth of fungus, is only temporary. Your hair will grow back once the inflammation goes away and you no longer have an itchy scalp to scratch.

Can hair regrow after seborrheic dermatitis?

Can terbinafine treat seborrheic dermatitis?

Topically applied terbinafine has been found in open studies to be effective in the treatment of seborrhoeic dermatitis, with clearance in 61\% of patients after 4 weeks. Pityrosporum ovale as the causative agent of seborrhoeic dermatitis: new treatment options.