
Can I use REALTOR in my business name?

Can I use REALTOR in my business name?

Can I use the REALTOR® marks in the name of a firm? No, the REALTOR® marks cannot be included in the legal or DBA name of any firm. Members are authorized to use the REALTOR® marks in conjunction with the legal name of their real estate business (i.e., real estate brokerage) in advertising, signage, etc.

Should REALTOR always be capitalized?

Q: Why is “realtor” often capitalized? A: The term is often capitalized because it’s a registered trademark in the US for a member of the National Association of Realtors.

Can you call yourself a REALTOR?

The term Realtor is a federally registered trademark that applies specifically to real estate professionals who are active members of the National Association of Realtors® (NAR). Real estate agents who are not active NAR members cannot call themselves Realtors.

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Is Realtor a trademarked word?

The term REALTOR® is not only a trademark owned by NAR and protected by federal law, it’s a valuable membership benefit that distinguishes members from other real estate licensees.

The Realtor® block ‘R’ logo consists of a letter R set in Futura Typeface on a sharply contrasting rectangular background to form a block “R” with the term Realtor® centered underneath.

Is realtor a registered trademark?

The term “REALTOR®” is a registered trademark owned by NAR and protected by federal law. This valuable NAR membership benefit reminds consumers and other real estate professionals that you adhere to a strict code of ethics.

Is the word Realtor trademarked?

Is there a difference between a REALTOR and an agent?

Agents can also become Realtors, active and paying members of the National Association of Realtors (NAR). In this sense, there is generally no difference between real estate agents and Realtors, other than distinguishing between members and non-members of the NAR when it comes to professional duties.

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What does the designation of REALTOR signify?

REALTORS® with the GRI designation have in-depth training in legal and regulatory issues, technology, professional standards, and the sales process. Earning the designation is a way to stand out to prospective buyers and sellers as a professional with expertise in these areas.

Is Realtor trademarked?