
Can I use TurboTax as an expat?

Can I use TurboTax as an expat?

TurboTax is designed specifically for US taxpayers living and working in America. This means that their support for US Expats is limited because they are “Tax Prep USA Support.” So questions like “how to pay us taxes from abroad” may be tricky for TurboTax to answer.

Can an expat get a tax refund?

Expats can get a tax refund even if they do not live, work or pay income taxes in the US. This tax refund is typically the refundable portion of the Child Tax Credit, called the Additional Child Tax Credit.

Do you have to file taxes as an expat?

Expats Must File US Taxes If You Have Income, Receive Certain Credits, or Other Special Situations Apply. If your worldwide income exceeds the filing threshold (which varies by filing status), you must file a US Federal Tax Return each year. Income includes: Wages/Salary from US and non-US sources.

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What happens if you don’t file taxes as an expat?

There are three main financial penalties for neglecting to file your tax return on time: the “failure to file” penalty, the “failure to pay” penalty, or interest accrued on missed payments. Interest for missed payments can affect expats, even if they file on time.

Can TurboTax handle foreign income?

Yes, if you’re a U.S. citizen or resident. You’ll need to report all of your income, whether it was earned in the U.S. or abroad. Here’s how to enter your foreign income: Sign in to TurboTax and open or continue your return.

How can I get tax refund abroad?

When living abroad, the quickest and best way to receive your overseas tax refund from the IRS is by direct deposit to your bank account. With the varying reliability of mail service overseas, direct deposit ensures delivery. However, direct deposit of your overseas tax refund can only be made to a U.S. bank account.

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How do taxes work if you live in another country?

Yes, if you are an American living abroad as a US citizen, you must file a US federal tax return and pay US taxes on your worldwide income no matter where you live at that time. In other words, you are subject to the same rules regarding income taxation as people living stateside.

Does the IRS go after expats?

If you are a US citizen, the rules for filing and paying taxes are the same whether you are in the United States or living abroad. Even if you are a permanent resident or citizen of a foreign country, you are still required to report your worldwide income.