
Can INTJ be naive?

Can INTJ be naive?

To consider an INTJ gullible would be an almost laughable assumption. They are naturally skeptical individuals who do not trust easily. INTJs simply prefer to understand the information fully, and dislike being ignorant in any situation.

Are INTJs oblivious?

Although INTJs are classified as Thinking types, their dominant function is Intuition, or more specifically, Introverted Intuition (Ni). Onlookers sense that INTJs seem to “live in their own world.” Immersed in their own minds and interests, INTJs can be oblivious to social norms or other practical aspects of life.

Are INTJs unaware?

INTJs are certainly self-aware when it comes to their wants and goals in life, and their sense of morals. When it comes to their own emotions, INTJs can be a bit unaware. They often repress certain feelings, since they prefer to focus on what is logical over emotions.

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Why do INTJs like Infj?

INTJs will adapt if they see reason. INFJ will bait them to pursue this raw potential of a mastermind, and to do this, the INTJ will learn being emotion-sensitive. This is irresistible. Couple of months later, both get proficient.

Is Intj self aware?

INTJs are naturally focused on being self-aware and trying to remove ignorance from themselves and others. INTJs are analytical and introspective people who value being able to grow and learn. INTJs believe in spending time trying to understand their own motives, as well as their own goals.

Are Intj street smart?

Many INTJs practice for IQ tests, which makes the results they get inaccurate and fake. They usually describe themselves as “kinda” smart. They don’t claim to be intellectuals, just street smart.

What do intjs think of INFJs?

INFJs are often unfairly labeled as “too nice” or even “naive,” but an INTJ finds the INFJ’s dreamy nature and emotional intelligence fascinating. INTJs may be unfairly labeled as “aloof” or “dry,” but the INFJ looks up to the INTJ’s cool-headed and rational demeanor.

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What is the personality of an INTJ in business?

People with the INTJ personality tend to excel at analysis and critical thinking, as well as organizing systems and making things work better. INTJs can sometimes be seen as cold, reserved, or even aloof. They may struggle to fit in in social situations. However, their personalities are highly valued in business,…

What are the characteristics of intintj?

INTJ Characteristics. The MBTI identifies preferences in four key dimensions: 1) Extraversion vs Introversion, 2) Sensing vs Intuition, 3) Thinking vs Feeling and 4) Judging vs Perceiving.

What percentage of the US population are intjs?

By the numbers: INTJs make up just 2\% of the U.S. population. There is no reliable worldwide data, but this number may vary somewhat in different countries and cultures. INTJ women: There are more male INTJs than females, with female INTJs making up just 0.8\% of the U.S. population.