
Can Levi be a titan shifter?

Can Levi be a titan shifter?

Levi Ackerman may be the only character from Attack on Titan that managed to gain his own fandom, and that may be because of his extraordinary capabilities as a soldier. Levi Ackerman is not a Titan shifter.

Can Levis regenerate?

Levi is already powerful enough as it is. Giving him titan-like regeneration – even if it’s on a smaller scale – would significantly diminish any fears that fans would have should the character be put in another precarious situation.

What would happen if Levi was a Titan?

Since Eren and the people inside the walls are ‘Eldians’, a race of the more-likely to be a titan, Levi might become a Titan Shifter. He could be turned unwillingly with some chemicals from the opposite side of the walls.

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Is Levi permanently injured?

3 He Suffered Permanent Injuries As the blast blew him away, he was left in a horrific state and lost many of his fingers. More so, during the final battle to stop the Rumbling, Levi loses the use of his legs whilst still healing from his prior injuries.

Is Levi Titan?

Levi Ackerman is a family member of the Ackerman clan which is a family tree of people who were experimented with titan science to become superhuman beings to serve the Eldian Empire. Since Levi is a part of this clan, he possesses abilities superior to that of other humans.

Can Ackerman become titans?

Originally Answered: Can Ackermans turn into Titans? the Coordinate(the process that Eldians go under to become a titan ) only works on EIdians. If we accept this that Asians and Ackermans cannot be affected by the Coordinate means that they are not Eldian in origin, and so they cannot turn into Titans.

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What would Levi Ackerman’s type be?

Levi would openly get into a romantic relationship—which means chances of him initiating it is high—if the love interest stems from his childhood, earlier years, or if it’s someone he’s known for long enough. His ideal partner would be someone who’s, of course, mature and can handle themself well on their own.