
Can nutritionists prescribe diet pills?

Can nutritionists prescribe diet pills?

Doctors usually prescribe them only if your BMI is 30 or higher, or if it’s at least 27 and you have a condition that may be related to your weight, like type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure.

What can a nutritionist do for weight loss?

Many people find medical nutrition therapy helpful for weight loss. Your dietitian will tell you how many calories to eat per day to lose weight steadily and safely. He or she can help you plan a healthy, nutritious diet. This can help you make positive lifestyle changes that last.

How do you qualify for weight loss medication?

Who is a candidate for weight-loss drugs?

  • Your body mass index (BMI) is greater than 30.
  • Your BMI is greater than 27 and you have a serious medical problem related to obesity, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.
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Can a nutritionist help with supplements?

Working with a registered dietitian can help you identify the gaps in your diet and determine a supplement regimen that fits your needs. That being said, there are a handful of supplements most people can benefit from adding to their daily routine.

Do dietitians prescribe weight loss pills?

Diet pills that require a prescription cannot be prescribed by dietitians. Prescription diet pills, like phentermine, are not in the scope of a dietitian’s practice. There are over the counter supplements that could be considered “diet pills” or “fat burners” and those are in the scope of what dietitians can prescribe.

Is a dietician or nutritionist better for weight loss?

Researchers report that a registered dietitian may be the best way for many people to lose weight. In their study, the researchers say people who used a dietitian lost an average of 2.6 pounds while those who didn’t use a dietitian gained 0.5 pounds.

Can a doctor prescribe anything for weight loss?

Your doctor may prescribe you medicine to treat your obesity if you have: A BMI of 30 or greater. A BMI of 27 or more and you have a disease or condition that may be related to your weight (this could include diabetes or high blood pressure).

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Can a dietitian prescribe weight loss pills?

Registered dietitians cannot write prescriptions or prescribe medication, but they can help their clients make healthy choices and choose the correct over-the-counter medication to help with weight loss.