
Can people with Aspergers develop social skills?

Can people with Aspergers develop social skills?

People can learn social skills and communication skills. Someone with Asperger’s can learn to read the body language of others and how to react. “Neuro-feedback is making a big difference for people with Asperger’s by improving social functioning and decreasing anxiety.

Are kids with Aspergers social?

While all children with Asperger’s Syndrome are different, what sets them apart are their unusual social skills and obsessive interests. For a child with Asperger’s Syndrome, you may see one or more of the following symptoms: Inappropriate or minimal social interactions.

Do Aspies need social breaks?

When an aspie is overwhelmed by what is going on around him or her it is sometimes not possible to keep interacting with people. Thus, aspies need social breaks from time to time and if at all possible they should be provided those breaks (given they are seeking one).

Why do Aspies like to live in familiar places?

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All of these locations become familiar and are held with great fondness to an aspie. Sometimes when an aspie is put into a new or otherwise uncomfortable situation there will be some amount annoyance or even distress. The inverse is also true! Familiar places are a great source of comfort to an aspie

Does it matter if an Aspie likes patterns or chaos?

It doesn’t matter, so long as it makes sense to the aspie. Patterns bring clarity to chaos more than just about anything, and if you abstract the other 16 points on this post a bit, they are all funadamentaly about finding patterns and things that are familiar.

Why do Aspies make repetitive noises when they are scared?

And when it’s not scary, it has great potential to bring comfort. Aspies making repetitive sounds are often trying to calm themselves down. Making those noises work because the repetition and consistency of it make the world more familiar and gives the aspie a chance to calm down.