
Can Sanji beat a Titan?

Can Sanji beat a Titan?

Sanji might be one of the Straw Hats’ strongest and most durable members, but all of his strength comes from his powerful kicks, and no human has ever taken down a Titan by kicking it. That’s because Sanji cannot apply it to his entire body, which means that he would still be ripped apart.

Can Eren beat King Kong?

It depends on the version of King Kong, if it was the first version, Eren could easily win. However, if it was the second one, Eren could get destroyed, but several things make it difficult for him to be beaten. He has regeneration, combat abilities, and immense strength and determination.

Is there a way to defeat the colossal Titan?

You have to defeat Colossal Titan that is controlled by General Cross. Titan can be weakened by shooting in his weak points – these will change from time to time during the battle. The boss hits the ground with his fists, causing shock waves. Jump over them.

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Can Eren beat Beerus?

As even Goku and Vegeta have had a difficult time fighting against him, Beerus would easily be able to defeat Eren and stop The Rumbling.

Is Germa 66 strong?

While they are the armed forces of a “Science Kingdom” and may also look like a bunch of flashy goofs, Germa 66 is powerful and should never be taken lightly.

Can Eren beat the beast Titan?

Eren could easily kill enemies or maybe the Beast Titan by stinging them like what the War Hammer Titan did back then, but he can’t use the Founding Titan without Zeke’s help or without Eren making contact with a royal blood. Also height doesn’t affect them. Like the Colossus Titan.

Who gave Sanji his raid suit?

Each member of the Vinsmoke Family has their own suit designed for their specific fighting skills and needs, courtesy of Judge Vinsmoke himself. When not in use, the suits are stored in canisters marked with the owner’s designated number, with Sanji’s being marked “3.”

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