
Can two inputs produce same hash?

Can two inputs produce same hash?

When hashing passwords, two passwords can produce the same hash, so if a user inputs someone else’s username but his own password, there is a possibility that he will be able to login to that other account.

What is a hash function can two inputs produce the same output What are collisions?

If two separate inputs produce the same hash output, it is called a collision. This collision can then be exploited by any application that compares two hashes together – such as password hashes, file integrity checks, etc.

Is SHA always the same?

Short answer: Yes, except the lower/uppercase may vary. Hashes are (usually) hexadecimal anyway, so they can be treated as case-insensitive. Of course when outputted in another format (like the raw binary data, e.g. 128 ‘random’ bits for MD5), it may be case sensitive. The output will always be the same though.

Does hash function produce same output?

A hash function takes an arbitrary-length input (a file, a message, a video, etc.) The input of this function can be of any size. It can even be empty. The output is always of the same length and deterministic: it always produces the same result if given the same input.

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Can two hash values be same?

Generally, two files can have the same md5 hash only if their contents are exactly the same. Even a single bit of variation will generate a completely different hash value. There is one caveat, though: An md5 sum is 128 bits (16 bytes).

Can two different strings have same hash value?

Yes. Two different strings can absolutely give the same SHA256. If you know the hash it takes 2^256 evaluations to find another string that gives the same hash.

When two inputs give the same output it is known as?

2 Answers. You are correct. This is called a hash collision, and it’s a real thing.

Which option is correct about hash algorithms ability to avoid the same output from two guest inputs?

Collision resistance is the ability for a hash algorithm to avoid the same output from two guessed inputs. Salting makes password hashes harder to decrypt or guess by adding additional text to each password before it is hashed.