
Can we draw diagrams in UPSC mains?

Can we draw diagrams in UPSC mains?

Facts related to using Diagrams in IAS Mains Can aspirants draw diagrams in the essay paper of UPSC Mains? If it is really relevant, then aspirants can depict a fact using a diagram. However, in an essay, an aspirant should try to stick to only writing.

Can we use diagrams in UPSC essay?

You can draw something in the essay only if it is really relevant. But generally, too many diagrams are not really required or wanted in an essay.

Can we use pencil for diagrams in UPSC mains?

Do Not Write Partly In Ink And Pencil But this is not allowed in UPSC conventional papers.

How do you draw an exam diagram?

Sketch out your diagram in pencil first. If you have to finish the exam in pen, still draw in pencil first, then fill your diagram in with pen when you are confident with your drawing. This makes it easier to correct mistakes. Remember to use a ruler for straight lines, particularly if you are drawing a graph.

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How do you create a flow chart?

Create a flowchart

  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Click New, click Flowchart, and then under Available Templates, click Basic Flowchart.
  3. Click Create.
  4. For each step in the process that you are documenting, drag a flowchart shape onto your drawing.
  5. Connect the flowchart shapes in either of the following ways.

Can you put diagrams in essays?

Tables and figures (e.g. diagrams, graphs, photographs, maps) may be used as evidence to support academic argument. They are mostly used in report writing. It is important that tables and figures are used purposefully (i.e. with good reason) and referenced correctly.

How do you score 160 in an essay?

Some general things to bear in mind:

  1. Manage your time well as you have to write two good essays.
  2. Brief paragraphs are the way to go.
  3. Be creative but also be logical.
  4. Keep linking your content back to the essay topic.
  5. Five pillars to get good marks:
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Is wrist watch allowed in UPSC exam?

Wear a wrist watch The UPSC allows analog watches for candidates. It is advisable to wear one so that you can always be aware of how much time has passed and how much is left. There is no need to depend on the invigilator for it. Please remember smartwatches or digital ones are not allowed.

How can we make use of diagrams effectively?

There are some tips that experts and teachers suggest for better looking diagrams that can help you score higher.

  1. Know which diagram to use where.
  2. Pay maximum attention to labelling and referencing.
  3. Understand the size of the diagram.
  4. Leave margins for labelling.
  5. Rub out extra lines.
  6. Use good stationery.