
Can you apply for a bridging visa while on a tourist visa?

Can you apply for a bridging visa while on a tourist visa?

If you are applying for 2 visas at the same time, the Department will grant you 2 bridging visas. However, they will not be effective until your current substantive visa expired. Once a decision is made, either you are granted the substantive visa “A” or your bridging visa “A” will cease.

Can you apply for a partner visa while on a tourist visa in Australia?

Once the visa is granted, the visa applicant can enter Australia to be with their partner on a temporary offshore partner visa (subclass 309). The applicant will still be able to apply for a visitor visa to visit Australia during the processing period.

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Can I apply for tourist visa while waiting my PR visa?

You may travel to Canada as a tourist before you get your permanent resident visa. However, we strongly advise against making any definitive arrangements for your stay in Canada until you have received your permanent resident visa. You will need to apply for a visitor visa to travel to Canada as a tourist.

Can my partner come to Australia Covid?

Who we consider to be an immediate family member. Entry to Australia remains controlled to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. You can only travel to Australia if you are exempt or you have been granted an individual exemption.

How to apply for an Australian Resident Return Visa (RRV)?

If you apply in Australia using a paper form, you must send your application to the specified address specified in Form 1085 – Application for a Resident Return visa (RRV). You cannot apply in person.

Can I travel to Australia while waiting for a visa decision?

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You can apply for a visitor visa to come to Australia while you are waiting on an application outcome so long as the temporary visa matches your intentions. If you are waiting for the decision on a substantive or permanent visa and want to visit Australia to see a partner or holiday you can. Use Visa Finder to find the appropriate visa.

Can I return to Australia after my visa expires?

If you leave Australia after your visa travel validity has expired, you will not be able to return to Australia as a permanent resident. If you wish to return to Australia as a permanent resident, you must apply for and be granted this visa before your arrival in Australia.

Do US citizens need an Australian Tourist Visa?

If you are planning a visit to Australia for holiday, as a US citizen you will need an Australian tourist visa (also known as “Australian vacation visa”).