
Can you go to university with CHSPE?

Can you go to university with CHSPE?

Those who pass this test earn a Certificate of Proficiency which is the legal equivalent of a high school diploma. If you pass the CHSPE you may (with your parent’s approval) leave high school early. You can go to work or attend community college, or you may be able to attend a 4-year college or university.

Do other states accept CHSPE?

For starters, the CHSPE is known as an early-exit exam. Specifically, some people think the CHSPE is not recognized outside of California. On the contrary, the great majority of employers and schools in other states will accept this certificate in lieu of a regular high school diploma.

Is taking the CHSPE a good idea?

However, while taking the CHSPE may work for select students, it’s an inimical idea for most Pali students. Students who take the CHSPE and begin college early risk losing significant parts of their social life.

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Is the GED easier than the CHSPE?

It depends. The CHSPE includes only 2 subjects, so it’s less to learn than for the GED test. But there are also fewer preparation materials. So while the CHSPE comes with fewer subject tests and is shorter, the GED exam offers many more scheduling options and many free prep courses.

What percent of people pass the CHSPE?

Passing Rates Of the 4,875 individual examinees who, in 2016–17, attempted the entire CHSPE at least once, 62.1 percent passed both sections and earned a Certificate of Proficiency. Passing rates on the ELA section were higher than passing rates on the Mathematics section.

Can you take the CHSPE online?

Individuals may register for the CHSPE electronically or by mail. They must complete and print the registration form or electronically submit a CHSPE Registration Form with proof of eligibility.

Is the CHSPE easy to pass?

The CHSPE is very similar to the CAHSEE, but the questions are more difficult. A student is given three and a half hours to pass the exam, and must attain a passing score on both sections.

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Does the military accept CHSPE?

The U.S. military policy on the CHSPE varies depending on the branch of the armed forces applied to and the position. Anyone who satisfies the age and/or grade requirements is eligible to take the exam, even if they are still enrolled in high school. Unlike the GED, the CHSPE tests only Mathematics and English skills.

Is CHSPE like SAT?

CHSPE Pros and Cons The CHSPE (California High School Proficiency Exam, commonly pronounced “chispie”) certificate is the equivalent of a high school diploma. The exam is offered three times a year (generally March, June, and October) and is proctored like an SAT or other college entrance test.

Is the CHSPE hard?

How long do CHSPE results take?

about five weeks
CHSPE results will be emailed to test takers about five weeks after the exam date.