
Can you have multiple OTPs?

Can you have multiple OTPs?

It is technically possible for a person to have multiple OTPs, just with no overlap between them. Some people refer to their favourite threesome ship by the similar term One True Threesome, or OT3. Or really, “OT” appended with any number if they’re even more ambitious with the number of people involved.

What is OTP and BrOTP?

2 OTP/BrOTP OTP stands for “one true pairing.” This is the one couple in the show/movie/band or whatever it is that you want together more than anything. They are your absolute favorite! Then there’s the BrOTP, which are the people that you love together but just as friends, hence the bro part of it.

What does BrOTP mean in ship?

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Brotp – The term used when describing you ship a pairing platonically, or as friends.

What is OTP and NOTP?

A NOTP is the opposite of an OTP (One True Pairing). It is a ship a fan strongly dislikes. The word is a portmanteau of ‘no’ and ‘OTP’ and thus is not a contraction of any particular phrase.

What does OTP mean in wattpad?

“OTP doesn’t mean favorite pairing, it means ‘one true pairing’. If you can’t argue the pairing as true based on the canon material, it is not an OTP.”

What is a ghost ship in relationship?

Ghost Shipping is what happens when fans of a work Ship an active character with a canonically dead character. By dead, we mean really dead, not Only Mostly Dead or The Undead. This trope only has examples for when fans have a character currently dead by canon shipped with an active character.

What does it mean to ship Platonically?

Platonic friendship specifically refers to friendship between two people who could, in theory, feel attracted to each other. you’ll eventually desire a sexual relationship with any friend you could be attracted to.

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What is a fluff fanfiction?

(n.) Fanfic without angst; any pleasant, feel-good story. Fluff may lack plot; however, unlike a PWP the focus is not sex, but displays of affection between two or more characters, whether their relationship is romantic or not.

What is NOTP fandom?