
Can you jumper W1 and W2 on thermostat?

Can you jumper W1 and W2 on thermostat?

It just means the contactor/compressor is turning on. Whether that is heat or cool is actually dictated by whether or not the O/B terminal is energized. That is why, on many old thermostats, you would jumper Y1 and W1 in a heat pump application. W2 – Means second-stage heat.

Why is there a jumper between R and RC on this thermostat?

Effectively there isn’t a second RH wire, although there is an RH terminal. However, the heating still needs to be controlled, so a wire known as a jumper is connected between the RC and the RH terminals so that power gets to the heating control part of the thermostat.

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How many wires does a Nest thermostat need?

The procedure to install the Nest thermostat with 2 wires is the same for both thermostats. Remove the existing thermostat and mark the wires. If you have a heat only system you should connect your thermostat wires to the W terminal and Rh terminals.

Is W the same as W2 on thermostat?

W – This is the thermostat terminal for heating. W2 – This is the thermostat terminal used for second stage heat. There are gas furnaces with low fire and high fire and some depend on control from a two-stage heating thermostat with a W2 terminal. Heat Pumps use staging for auxiliary heat and need a W2 terminal.

What color is W2 wire?

General Thermostat Wiring Color Code

Terminal Wire Color
W White
W2 Brown
G Green
C Blue/Black

Where does W2 wire go on Nest?

If you have a W2, Y2 or O/B wire, you can put it into the *O/B connector, if needed. Gently tug each wire to check they’re secure, and make sure each connector that has a wire stays down. Push the display onto the base until it clicks. Download the free Nest app so you can control your thermostat with your phone.

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What is the W2 wire on a thermostat?

W2 – This is the thermostat terminal used for second stage heat. There are gas furnaces with low fire and high fire and some depend on control from a two-stage heating thermostat with a W2 terminal. Heat Pumps use staging for auxiliary heat and need a W2 terminal.

Can Nest work without C wire?

The Nest thermostat contains a rechargeable lithium ion battery. In a system with a C-wire, the Nest charges itself from the C-wire’s current and all is fine. In a system without a C-wire, though, Nest recharges its battery when the heating or cooling runs.

Can you install Nest Thermostat without C wire?

You can install a Nest Thermostat without a C-wire by using a C-wire adapter. A C-wire adapter mimics the functionality of a traditional C Wire without any of the inconveniences of having to wire a C wire all the way from your HVAC system.