
Can you leave Australia while waiting for permanent residency?

Can you leave Australia while waiting for permanent residency?

Travel on a Bridging visa Bridging visas let you stay in Australia lawfully while your immigration staus is resolved. Only a Bridging visa B (BVB) will let you leave and re-enter Australia while you wait for a decision on a substantive visa.

Can I travel while waiting for PR?

If your new PR card isn’t ready before you leave, you can still travel but you need a permanent resident travel document (PRTD) to return to Canada by commercial vehicle.

Can I leave the country while my PR is being processed?

It is a common misconception that once you file an inland sponsorship application for permanent residence in Canada, that the person being sponsored cannot leave Canada. This is not the case. Applicants are allowed to enter and leave Canada even while their inland application is in process.

Can I travel after applying for Australian PR?

When you are granted a permanent visa, you are usually permitted a 5-year travel facility. This means you can leave and re-enter Australia as many times as you like in the 5 years from the date your permanent visa was granted, as long as your visa remains valid.

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Can I travel if my PR card expires in 2 months?

When your PR card expires, you can’t use it as a travel document. If your PR card will expire within six months, you should apply to renew your card. You need to be in Canada. If you’re re-entering Canada by commercial vehicle and have an expired PR card, get your PRTD to re-enter Canada.

How long can you stay in Australia as a permanent resident?

As a permanent resident, you stay in Australia forever if you never leave Australia again. A permanent visa is granted with a five-year travel facility, with the ability to leave and enter Australia. Once the five years has expired, you must obtain a Resident Return visa to continue having entry rights to Australia.

Can I travel to Australia while my visa is being processed?

Travel while your visa is being processed You can apply for a visitor visa to come to Australia while you are waiting on an application outcome so long as the temporary visa matches your intentions. If you are waiting for the decision on a substantive or permanent visa and want to visit Australia to see a partner or holiday you can.

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What is an a permanent visa for Australia?

A permanent visa is granted with a five-year travel facility, with the ability to leave and enter Australia. Once the five years has expired, you must obtain a Resident Return visa to continue having entry rights to Australia.

Can a temporary visa holder leave and then return to Australia?

Temporary visa holders seeking to leave and then return to Australia, may apply for an inwards exemption before they leave, however applications will generally only be approved if: the applicant meets the requirements for an individual exemption from Australia’s Inward Travel Restrictions, and