
Can you load 38 cal bullets in 9mm?

Can you load 38 cal bullets in 9mm?

Although it is technically possible to use lead . 38 bullets in 9mm, I would not recommend it without knowing the true diameter of your barrel. That means you need to slug the barrel on your 9mm to see what the true barrel diameter is.

Are 9mm and 357 bullets interchangeable?

357, . 380 auto and 9mm ammunition are all the same caliber. (Caliber is the size of the projectile, or bullet.) 38 is 0.38 of an inch; Europe uses the metric system, so 9mm.

Can 357 ammo be used in a 38 special?

No; . 357 Magnum was specifically designed so it cannot be fired from handguns chambered in . 38 Special, but you can shoot .

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Are 9mm and 38 special the same bullet?

Heck, both bullets are about the same size; . 38 Special uses a bullet . 357 inches in diameter, the 9mm round is . 355.

What size bullet is a 38 special?

.357 in

.38 Special
Bullet diameter .357 in (9.1 mm)
Neck diameter .379 in (9.6 mm)
Base diameter .379 in (9.6 mm)
Rim diameter .44 in (11 mm)

Are 9mm and 38 Special the same bullet?

What ammo can be used in a 38 Special?

What Type of Ammunition Can I Fire In My Revolver?

If Your Revolver Is Marked … It Will Safely Fire These Cartridges …
.327 Federal Magnum .327 Federal Magnum, .32 H&R Magnum, .32 S&W Long
.38 Special .38 Special
.38 Special +P .38 Special +P, .38 Special
.357 Magnum .357 Magnum, .38 Special +P, .38 Special

Can you load 357 in a 9mm?

So yes, you can shoot 9mm out of a . 357 bore weapon, with pretty good accuracy too. Honestly though, it’s a sub-optimal set up, and unless you have some real reason to do it (or get a really good deal on the revolver), you’re better off just getting a 9mm pistol.