
Can you major in computer science with no coding experience?

Can you major in computer science with no coding experience?

Programming Experience Not Required Programming experience is NOT required for an undergraduate major in computer science. Computer science is really about using computers and computation as tools to solve problems and to build tools for others to use. Programming is just one part of the discipline.

Do computer science majors learn programming?

A significant portion of your computer science studies will involve programming. You start out by learning high-level, basic languages such as Java and C++. As you go on, you’ll be introduced to more complex coding methods, including Prolog, Scheme, and machine code, also known as assembly language programming.

Is computer science a hard major?

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CS is a difficult subject, but it’s not the only hard major. People who proclaim that CS is so tough have to explain why so many more people have been majoring in math, physics, and engineering; remember, all three majors have seen growth of over 40\% between 2005 and 2015, and they’re no cakewalks either.

What should I do if I’m interested in Computer Science?

The main question is do you like computer science, I know to answer this is difficult. So look around for different areas in cs like operating systems or systems software, networking , machine learning and big data, computer vision , etc. See what you find cool start reading and implementing it.

Is it too early to get discouraged about computer science?

In your case it’s way too early to get discouraged. So many platitudes – so little time… The field of computer science is so much larger than when I went to college, it’s a wonder (more likely a sign of good instructors) that all new students don’t get overwhelmed and run screaming from their first course.

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Is a lot of CS related to programming?

A lot of CS is not directly related with programming, but may not be what you want. Quick example: many years ago, a student took my class of Assembly Language programming. She was not great, but passed the course with good grades; so I could tell you she was competent as a programmer, if just average from her peers.