
Can you put Ridex directly into my septic tank?

Can you put Ridex directly into my septic tank?

According to the EPA and the Ohio Department of Health, not only are additives like Rid-X not recommended, but they actually have a detrimental and potentially hazardous effect on your septic system’s waste treatment process.

Where do I put Ridex?

Simply pour RID-X powder down the toilet and flush. There is no need for complicated mixing, waiting, or cleaning up. And using RID-X once a month will help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in your septic tank throughout the year.

Is Rid-X liquid or powder Ridex better?

The chemical is harmless to the pipes, so too much will not hurt anything. We like the powder better because it makes for a thicker liquid that goes down the drain more slowly, sticks where it’s needed and seems to give a better performance. The liquid will help, but we recommend the powder version.

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What is the best chemical to put in a septic tank?

Vinegar (white vinegar and apple cider vinegar), Borax, OxiClean, and baking soda are some products that can be used to clean very well and be septic-system safe. Oxidized bleaches are also a less hazardous alternative to chlorine bleach.

What to put in septic tank to break down solids?

Yeast helps actively breaks down waste solids when added to your septic system. Flush ½ cup of dry baking yeast down the toilet, the first time. Add ¼ cup of instant yeast every 4 months, after the initial addition.

What breaks down sewage in a septic tank?

The septic tank has microbes, especially bacteria, which break down and liquefy the organic waste. In phase one, the wastewater is introduced into the septic system where solids settle down to form the sludge and scum layers as the anaerobic bacteria digest the organic waste.

How long does it take for Ridex to start working?

2-4 hours
The enzymes in RID-X® begin working as soon as they come in contact with water. The bacteria take 2-4 hours to germinate and then begin to break down solid waste. If the temperature and conditions are favorable, then the bacteria will multiply to the maximum level that the environment will allow in about 2-4 days.