
Can you see who views your Snapchat our story?

Can you see who views your Snapchat our story?

Your Snapchat Story lets you share a photo or video with all your Snapchat friends for a full 24 hours. Then, you can see how many people have viewed each of your Snapchat Stories. Screenshot. Tap on one particular story and you can see and scroll through the names of all the people who have viewed your Story.

What does featured our story mean on Snapchat?

“Our Story” feature collects snaps submitted by Snapchatters from around the globe about a place, an event or a topic from different points-of-view and presents them as a Story for the rest of the community to watch. A “Story” is a collection of Snaps that play in the order they were taken.

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How long do stories stay on SNAP map?

Their location reflects where they last opened Snapchat. A friend’s location will remain on the Map for up to 8 hours if they do not open the app again, causing their location to update. If more than 8 hours has passed and a Snapchatter has not opened the app, their location will disappear from the Map entirely.

Is our story anonymous?

It can be seen by the people over the world , but yes it’s anonymous as the person posting it is not mentioned! Private Stories : These stories can only be seen by the people you select. Our Stories : This type of story can be seen anywhere by anybody when they tap on location where you reside.

How long does our story stay on Snapchat?

24 hours
In line with the rest of Snapchat’s features, each Our Story feature lasts 24 hours before it self-destructs. Some users are seeing more than a million views on their individual Snapchat Stories that get featured in Our Story.

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Can I delete our story on Snapchat?

Snapchat stories automatically delete after 24 hours, but you can also delete a Snapchat story at any time before it disappears. Keep in mind, however, that you can’t delete your entire story with one single button tap — you’ll have to go through each Snap individually and decide which to nix and which to keep.