
Can you shake hands with a Muslim?

Can you shake hands with a Muslim?

The greeting for Muslims is in Arabic – As-salamu alaikum which means Peace be upon you. Most Muslim women will not shake hands or hug men. Muslim men will shake hands with Muslim men when greeted.

Can a woman touch another woman in Islam?

A number of Muslim intellectuals and Muslim scholars have challenged this view and claim that certain physical contact is permissible as long as there is no obscenity, inappropriate touching (other than a simple handshake), secret meetings or flirting, according to the general rules of interaction between the genders.

Is it rude for a man to shake a woman’s hand?

The proper way for a man to greet another man: Firm hand shake and sincere greeting. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” or a simple “How do you do” will suffice. The proper way for a man to greet a lady: It is not customary to offer your hand to shake, as she is not a man.

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Which hand is disrespectful in Muslim?

left hand
On top of this, within Islamic traditions, the left hand and right hand also carry spiritual symbolism; the right hand representing good, the left representing bad. As a result, it’s considered bad manners and impolite to pass things (such as money, gifts or food) with your left hand.

What cultures dont shake hands?

In Vietnam, you should only shake hands with someone who’s your equal in age or rank. In Thailand, instead of shaking hands, you’re more likely to bow with your hands together and up to your chest. And don’t be surprised if someone from France and many other places pulls you in for a double cheek kiss!

Which hand is unclean in Islam?

Hand-to-mouth eating is an important custom in many Muslim countries. However, guests should not eat with their left hand, which is considered unclean. In many places, it is also considered polite to leave a bit of food on one’s plate.

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Why is the left hand dirty?

In many parts of the world, the left hand is considered unclean, usually because it’s used for “ablutions”. If you’re left-handed and visiting places like India, Nepal and the Middle East, you may have to pretend to be ambidextrous – it’s incredibly rude to eat, pick anything up or hand over money with your left.