
Can you skip yellow missions in rdr2?

Can you skip yellow missions in rdr2?

Unfortunately, there are. But the good news is that there aren’t too many of them, and you have to get through a large chunk of the game before you can even “miss” most of the missable missions or quests on offer. There are only missable missions/quests in Chapter 2, Chapter 4, and Chapter 6.

What does yellow mean in camp rdr2?

Keeping your camp well-stocked They indicate how well-stocked your camp’s medical supplies, ammunition and provisions are. Red icons mean your camp is low, white means you’re OK, and yellow means you’re well-stocked.

What does yellow core mean rdr2?

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Fortifying your health, stamina, and dead eye in Red Dead Redemption 2 basically means that they won’t drain for a set period of time. If a bar or core is fortified, it’ll be highlighted in yellow. If you’re in a tough fight, drink a health tonic and you’ll immediately have a better chance of survival.

What does a flashing mission mean rdr2?

There is a general consensus at GameSpot that a flashing icon indicates Arthur is at a higher or lower elevation than the mission start.

How do you get the antique watch in RDR2?

During the debt collection at Wrobels place:

  1. open the drawer with the pocket.
  2. DON’T take it right now.
  3. keep collecting stuff until the debt is paid out.
  4. then go all down the road with your horse and suddenly come back to his house.
  5. Wrobels is gone but you will find new inhabitants.
  6. NOW loot the watch from the open drawer.

What are the 3 things your camp needs in RDR2?

Your gang camp has three demands: provisions, ammunition, and medicine. These needs must be met, or the gang will start to lose morale, and the camp will turn into a generally nasty place to be.

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Where is the best horse in RDR2?

Rose grey bay Arabian horse location – The best horse in the game even among its superior ranked brethren, you can find this stupendous steed minding its own business in the Blackwater stables after the first epilogue. The rose bay grey Arabian horse costs a pocket draining $1,250 to buy.

What’s the best saddle in rdr2?

Red Dead Redemption 2: Best Saddles

  1. 1 Gerden Vaquero Saddle (Improved)
  2. 2 Gerden Trail Saddle (Improved)
  3. 3 Stenger Roping Saddle (Improved)
  4. 4 Lumley Ranch Cutter Saddle (Improved)
  5. 5 Kneller Dakota Saddle (Improved)
  6. 6 Kneller Mother Hubbard Saddle (Improved)
  7. 7 Lumley McClelland Saddle (Improved)

How do you gain weight in rdr2?

Players need to make sure he’s dressed appropriately for the weather. They need to bathe him, using button prompts to wash his individual limbs. They need to feed him meals and snacks — but not too many! Early on, the game warns you consuming excess calories will cause Arthur to gain weight, which will alter his stats.

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What does the Red Skull mean in rdr2?

The skull appears because it’s telling me my core is going down for health. I need to keep it up apparently which explains why I’m probably losing weight too, if average for weight is below perfect. I’m not poisoned or else my health would’ve dropped quick.