
Can you still get Flavoured Juul pods?

Can you still get Flavoured Juul pods?

As a Juul user, you will have already noticed that buying your favourite pod flavours is more challenging than this time last year. Why? This led to Juul voluntarily discontinuing all flavours apart from Classic Tobacco and menthol in autumn 2019.

Does anywhere sell flavored Juul pods?

Flavored Juul pods will no longer be sold in retail stores — but here’s where you can still buy them. Juul announced on Tuesday that it would temporarily stop selling flavored pods in stores, in a bid to curb an epidemic of teen vaping.

Does Juul make mango pods?

Sorry, Mango JUULpods are no longer available.

Are mint Juul pods back?

Sorry, Mint JUULpods are no longer available.

Can I still buy vape juice?

You will no longer be able to purchase vape juice online and have it shipped directly to your home. Even worse, many brick-and-mortar vape shops have halted the sale of all flavored e-juice, meaning you’ll only be able to purchase menthol and tobacco flavors, and no flavored types of menthol and tobacco at that.

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Will Juul ever sell mango pods again?

In 2019, Juul pulled its most of its flavored nicotine pods from shelves, discontinuing fruit, creme, mango and cucumber flavors. Shortly after, the FDA banned the sale of most fruit- and mint-flavored nicotine e-cigarettes.

Does Walgreens sell vape juice?

Walgreens and Kroger are now following in the footsteps of Walmart and Rite Aid in discontinuing sales of electronic nicotine-delivery products. “We have made the decision to stop selling e-cigarette products at our stores nationwide as the CDC, FDA and other health officials continue to examine the issue.

How do you do party mode on Juul?

To put your JUUL® device in party mode, simply puff on the device and wait for the LED to turn solid white. Next, wave the JUUL® e-cigarette around quickly. The LED begins cycling rapidly through several different colours. Try it while you’re at a club or attending a night concert; it’s certain to draw some attention!