
Can you use self-leveling compound on wood subfloor?

Can you use self-leveling compound on wood subfloor?

If you’ve got a plywood subfloor, like many buildings do, you can leave it in place and apply self-leveling concrete directly on top of it. Once the plywood subfloor is covered, just apply the finish you want to achieve the desired look.

How do you use leveling compound on wood subfloor?

  1. Collect all mixing and application tools prior to preparing the leveling compound mixture.
  2. Pour the leveling compound into a clean bucket and add cold water gradually to the compound powder while mixing.
  3. Mix the leveling compound and liquid for two to three minutes.
  4. Pour the leveling compound onto the designated areas.

How do you level a uneven wooden subfloor?

Using a flat-edged trowel, apply the floor leveling compound. Fill in all dips and uneven spots in the subfloor. Allow the leveler to dry as is instructed by the manufacturer’s product label. Remove hills or humps using a floor sander until the entire floor is level.

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How do I level my subfloor?

Pour the liquid-like floor leveler onto the subfloor and smooth it out with a trowel. Gravity will help it settle into the low areas. Remove any excess floor leveler and feather it around the edges so it blends with the rest of the floor. Let the floor leveler dry overnight or as indicated by the manufacturer.

How do you level a sloping subfloor?

Place strips of plywood across the floor to fill deeper slopes, increasing the thickness of the plywood at regular intervals to correct the slope. For example, fill a 1-inch slope across 8 feet by putting a 12-inch strip of 3/8-inch plywood at the point where the slope is that deep.

How do you level an existing subfloor?

Use Self-Leveling Compound to Correct Subfloor

  1. Identify and Prepare the Low Spots. Mark the areas of the floor that need filling in to bring them level with the surrounding areas.
  2. Mix and Apply the Self-Leveling Compound.
  3. Lightly Sand.